Colonel dietrich in raiders of in English with examples (2024)

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colonel dietrich in raiders of the lost ark


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raiders of the lost ark (1)


raiders of the lost ark (1)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


boldt castle: in search of the lost story.


"boldt castle: in search of the lost story".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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raiders of the lost ark es un video juego creado para el atari 2600 y basado en la película raiders of the lost ark.


raiders of the lost ark is a video game created for the atari 2600 and based on the movie of the same name.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


las tres películas aparecen en el juego, pero solo "raiders of the lost ark" puede ser jugada desde el inicio.


all three of the movies are featured in the game, but "raiders of the lost ark" is the only one playable upon starting the game.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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filetype:pdf keeper of the lost cities everblaze


filetype:pdf keeper of the lost cities everblaze

Last Update: 2024-08-16
Usage Frequency: 1


filmando "raiders of the lost ark" en túnez esto dejó aburrido a spielberg, y los recuerdos de la creación de su infancia resurgieron.


filming "raiders of the lost ark" in tunisia left spielberg bored, and memories of his childhood creation resurfaced.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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mechener dijo que al empezar a programar se inspiró en los primeros diez minutos de "raiders of the lost ark" para las respuestas acrobáticas del personaje ante el entorno peligroso.


mechner has said that when he started programming, the first ten minutes of the film "raiders of the lost ark" had been one of the main inspirations for the character's acrobatic responses in a dangerous environment.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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the lost planet of the gods (1)


the lost planet of the gods (1)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 2


después de raiders of the lost ark fue puesto en libertad, spielberg quería allen a cambio de indiana jones y el templo maldito, pero george lucas decidió que indy tendrá un interés de amor diferente en cada película.


after "raiders of the lost ark" was released, spielberg wanted allen to return for "indiana jones and the temple of doom", but george lucas decided that indy would have a different love interest in each film.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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"mossad exodus: the daring undercover rescue of the lost jewish tribe ".


"mossad exodus: the daring undercover rescue of the lost jewish tribe ".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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por su parte, la de dumont, fue filmada en casa mexicana y está inspirada en una escena similar de la película de indiana jones "raiders of the lost ark" (1981).


dumont's scene, filmed at casa mexicana, is inspired by a similar scene from the 1981 indiana jones film "raiders of the lost ark".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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este es el cautivador principio del maravilloso juego in search of the lost temple. la razón del viaje es la curiosidad natural del abuelo de anna y su deseo de encontrar los pergaminos únicos en las montañas de china.


the reason for the journey is the natural curiosity of anna's grandpa and his wish to find the unique scrolls in the mountains of china.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


el aspecto de la chaqueta usada en raiders of the lost ark es muy particular, tanto por su calce, debido a la moldería, como a la liviandad y movimiento debido al tipo de cuero con que estaba hecha. también es característica su textura, sobre todo si se la compara con la vista en las demás películas.


the look of the jacket used in raiders of the lost ark is very particular, because of its fit, due to the patterns used to make it, and because of the lightness and movement of the type of leather in which it was made out. it also has a characteristic texture, especially when compared with the jackets in the other films.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


"the 'lost' score of the 'symphonic pieces from lulu'".


"the 'lost' score of the 'symphonic pieces from lulu'".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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el blogger shisaku escribió un post genial sobre la muerte de sakai izumi, cantante y compositor del grupo zard y de "the voice of the lost decade" en japón.


blogger shisaku has a great post about the death of sakai izumi, singer and songwriter for the group zard and "the voice of the lost decade" in japan.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1

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el publicó sus conclusiones en el libro "secret knowledge: rediscovering the lost techniques of the old masters", en el 2001.


he published his conclusions in the 2001 book "secret knowledge: rediscovering the lost techniques of the old masters," which was revised in 2006.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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land of the lost presenta a una familia que viaja hacia atrás en el tiempo a una tierra dominada por dinosaurios, donde es atacada por una raza de reptiles humanoides llamada sleestak. en un episodio, un reptil humanoide estudia humanos que irradian calor emocional , la energía emocional humana de la que se alimentan los reptiles.


land of the lost features a family who travel back in time to a dinosaur-dominated land where they are attacked by a race of reptile humanoids called the sleestak. in one episode, a reptilian humanoid studies humans who radiate ‘emotional heat’ - the human emotional energy on which the reptilians thrive.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


international chamber of commerce (i.c.c 400/500/600)non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)contract code::sellers code: type of contract :product and origin :contract quantity :contract period :payment term :seller’s name :seller’s side representative :contract released date :non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)whereas the undersigned wish to enter into this agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations, are bound by a duty of confidentiality with respect to their sources and contacts. this duty is in accordance with the international chamber of commerce.whereas the undersigned desire to enter a working business relationship to the mutual and common benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organizations (hereinafter referred to as “affiliates”).now therefore in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:terms and conditionsthe parties will not in any manner solicit, nor accept any business in any manner from sources or their affiliates, which sources were made available through this agreement, without the express permission of the party who made available the source and,the parties will maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other business sources and/or their affiliates and will disclose such business sources only to the named parties pursuant to the express written permission of this party who made available the source, and,that they will not in any of the transactions the parties are desirous of entering into and do, to the best of their abilities assure the other that the transaction codes established will not be affected.that they will not disclose names, addresses, e-mail address, telephone and tele-fax or telex numbers to any contacts by either party to third parties and that they each recognize such contracts as the exclusive property of the respective parties and they will not enter into any direct negotiations or transactions with such contracts revealed by the other party andthat they further undertake not to enter into business transaction with banks, investors, sources of funds or other bodies, the names of which have been provided by one of the parties to this agreement, unless written permission has been obtained from the other party (ies) to do so. for the sale of this agreement, it does not matter whether information obtained from a natural or a legal person. the parties also undertake not to make use of a third party to circumvent this clause.that in the event of circumvention of this agreement by either party, directly or indirectly, the circumvented party shall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty equal to the maximum service it should realize from such a transaction plus any and all expenses, including but not limited to all legal costs and expenses incurred to recover the lost revenue.all considerations, benefits, bonuses, participation fees and/or commissions received as a result of the contributions of the parties in the agreement, relating to any and all transactions will be allocated as mutually agreed.this agreement is valid for any and all transaction between the parties herein and shall be governed by the enforceable law in all commonwealth country’s, european union country’s, usa courts, or under swiss law in zurich, in the event of dispute, the arbitration laws of states will apply.the signing parties hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue. the duration of the agreement shall perpetuate for five (5) years from last date of signing.agreement to termssignatures on this agreement received by the way of facsimile, mail and/or e-mail shall be an executed contract. agreement enforceable and admissible for all purposes as may be necessary under the terms of the agreement.all signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read the foregoing agreement and by their initials and signature that they have full and complete authority to execute the document for and in the name of the party for which they have given their signature. we the undersigned herewith referred as the buyer, under penalty of perjury do hereby irrevocably confirm and irrevocably accept to pay all intermediaries and fee holders at the same time and in a manner as the seller is being paid for each and every transaction of this contract up to the completion of the contract plus rollovers and extensions and in accordance with the bank details to be specified in the hard copies of this contract.we, the buyer irrevocably confirm that we will order and direct our bank to endorse automatic payment orders to the beneficiaries named below; furthermore, we, the buyer confirm that all pay orders shall automatically transfer funds as directed into each beneficiaries designated bank account within 5 (five) days after the date of closing of the contract during the contract term plus any/or extensions and rollover of the specified contract. we, buyer, agrees to provide all beneficiaries with written evidence of the pay orders lodged with our bank together with acknowledgements of their acceptance. furthermore, our bank shall be instructed to provide duly signed and stamped acknowledgement of this instruction as set out in the annex. forming part of this agreement. it is understood that for the purposes of this master fee protection agreement, our bank shall be the same bank and this imfpa acts as an integral part of it.we the undersigned being buyer as stated within the signed and legally binding main transaction, contract unconditionally agree and undertake to approve and originate all payments in usd currency to all beneficiaries named below as their rightful and payable commissions. this agreement also acts as a record confirming the commission amounts for each named beneficiary as set out below:-total commission shall be paid by the seller as follows:-the amount of kilos au delivered should be settled as herein stated to be transferred into the account as follows:total commissions are 4% of sales with 50/50 split between buyer’s and seller’s groups as detailed below. term & conditions:this master fee protection agreement covers the initial contract and shall include any renewals, extensions, rollovers, additions or any new or transfer contract any how originated from this transaction because of the above intermediaries or changing codes of the initial contract entered into the buyer. this master fee protection agreement and any subsequently issued pay orders shall be assignable, transferable and divisible and shall not be amended without the express written and notarized consent of the receiving beneficiary. all parties agree neither to circumvent nor to attempt circumvent either for the transaction of this current contract or in the future for a period of five (5) years from the date of the execution of this fee protection agreement. this document binds all parties, their employees, associates, transferees and assignees or designees. all faxed and/or e-mailed signatures shall be considered as original signatures for the purpose of binding all parties to this agreement. this document may be signed & in any number of counterparts all of which shall be taken together and shall constitute as being one & the same instrument. any party may enter into this document and the agreement constituted thereby by signing any counterpart any time, date or period mentioned in any provision of this document shall only be amended by agreement in writing and signed off by all parties concerned.furthermore, we agree that any and all commissions due shall be paid to the beneficiary as a result of any extension or rolls of the contract and that we shall effect all necessary documentation with our bank without any undue delays to ensure such commissions and paid within the terms of the agreement. note: this ncnd/mfpa is only in effect upon the contract being consummated. no advance funds of any kind may be taken/loaned/financed against this ncnd/mfpa.partial invalidity:the illegality, invalidity and non-enforceable provision of this document under the laws of any jurisdiction shall not affect its illegality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other jurisdiction or provision.governing law and jurisdiction:this document shall be governed & construed in accordance with current english or i.c.c 400/500/600 signed between partners ncnd laws.arbitration:all parties agree to refer any disputes between the parties arising out of or in connection with this agreement including any questions regarding its existence, validity or termination to arbitration rules of the international arbitration centre (i.a.c). the appointed arbitrator shall hold the proceedings in any country chosen by the parties and the rules of the iac shall apply.this document is signed and accepted by parties named below.“accepted and agreed without change (electronic signature is valid and accepted as hand signature)”edt (electronic document transmissions)edt (electronic document transmissions) shall be deemed valid and enforceable in respect of any provisions of this contract. as applicable, this agreement shall be:-incorporate u.s. public law 106-229, ‘‘electronic signatures in global & national commerce act’’ or such other applicable law conforming to the uncitral model law on electronic signatures (2001) electronic commerce agreement (ece/trade/257, geneva, may 2000) adopted by the united nations centre for trade facilitation and electronic business (un/cefact). edt documents shall be subject to european community directive no. 95/46/eec, as applicable. either party may request hard copy of any document that has been previously transmitted by electronic means provided however, that any such request shall in no manner delay the parties from performing their respective obligations and duties under edt instruments.remainder of this page intentionally left blankseller details - non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)seller companyname:designation:seller’s bankingcompany name:bank name: address:bank address:tel:account no:account name:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel: skype id:bank fax: passport no:paymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal: remainder of this page intentionally left blankbuyer’s side group one: 0.5 of 1.0%non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)facilitador name:commission size (with rolls+ext):designation:beneficiary name:company name:bank name:address:bank address:tel:account no:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel:skype id:bank fax:drivers licensepaymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal:fees allocationtotal fees allocation = ……..usd. the copy of the imfpa is an integral part of the final agreement/contract.beneficiary namemaster paymaster allocation $………. x distribution of fees to all beneficiaries under separate sub-agreement with paymaster – buyer’s side group two: 0.5 of 1.0%non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)facilitador name:commission size (with rolls+ext):designation:beneficiary name:company name:bank name:address:bank address:tel:account no:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel:skype id:bank fax:passport no:paymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal:fees allocationtotal fees allocation $xxx usd/kilo sold. the copy of the imfpa is an integral part of the final agreement/contract.beneficiary namefacilitator: allocation distribution of fees to all beneficiaries under separate sub-agreement with paymaster – buyer’s side group three: 0.5 of 1.0%non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)facilitador name:commission size (with rolls+ext):designation:beneficiary name:company name:bank name:address:bank address:tel:account no:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel:skype id:bank fax:passport no:paymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal:fees allocationtotal fees allocation $xxx usd/kilo sold. the copy of the imfpa is an integral part of the final agreement/contract.beneficiary namefacilitator: allocation distribution of fees to all beneficiaries under separate sub-agreement with paymaster – seller’s side group one: 0.5 of 1%non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)facilitador name:commission size (with rolls+ext):designation:beneficiary name:company name:bank name:address:bank address:tel:account no:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel:skype id:bank fax:passport no:paymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal:fees allocationtotal fees allocation $xxxx usd/kilo sold the copy of the imfpa is an integral part of the final agreement/contract.beneficiary namefacilitator: allocation distribution of fees to all beneficiaries under separate sub-agreement with paymaster – seller’s side group two: 0.5 of 1.0%non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)facilitador name:commission size (with rolls+ext):designation:beneficiary name:company name:bank name:address:bank address:tel:account no:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel:skype id:bank fax:passport no:paymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal:fees allocationtotal fees allocation $xxxx usd/kilo sold the copy of the imfpa is an integral part of the final agreement/contract.beneficiary namefacilitator: allocation distribution of fees to all beneficiaries under separate sub-agreement with paymaster – seller’s side group three: 0.5 of 1.0%non-circumvention, non-disclosure & working agreement (ncnda)irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa)facilitador name:commission size (with rolls+ext):designation:beneficiary name:company name:bank name:address:bank address:tel:account no:mobile:swift code:fax:bank officer:email address:bank tel:skype id:bank fax:passport no:paymaster for:nationality:paymaster for:today’s date:paymaster forsignature and seal:fees allocationtotal fees allocation $xxxx usd/kilo sold the copy of the imfpa is an integral part of the final agreement/contract.beneficiary namefacilitator: allocation distribution of fees to all beneficiaries under separate sub-agreement with paymaster – icc warning letterthis is a very important message to anyone involved in the commodities industry on the new measures with respect to buyers and sellers conducting oil transactions. from now on, if an icpo, loi, rwa, or bcl is issued and the document is not real, the buyer will be able to inform the fbi, icc, and interpol. in addition, after an fco is sent to the buyer, there should be a formal answer to seller from buyer. if there’s no response from the buyer in a timely manner, the buying company will be reported to the fbi, icc, and interpol. if this action is repeated by sellers, they too will also be reported for abuse of the ncnd, loi, icpo, a d rwa or bcl, for this is a federal offense. it is important to transmit this to all clients that work with providers that are members of the icc, fbi, and other international organizations. from this point forward, the international codes will be strictly enforced to exclude all intruders that send out false information. those who submit a false ncnd/imfpa, loi, icpo, rwa or bcl, or fco, as well as false proof of product (pop), will be charge with a crime. this went into effect on november 15, 2008 after a meeting was held between the federal reserve, european central bank, interpol, federal bureau of investigation and central intelligence agency. the reason for this measurement is to protect the commodities industry which is a fundamental part of the world’s economy. i have read and understood the severity of the warning above and do realize the serious impact that pertains to all oil and other commodities transactions.all bank charges should be borne by account beneficiaries above


Last Update: 2020-06-18
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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Colonel dietrich in raiders of in English with examples (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.