Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (2024)

Divinity is a classic white Christmas candy that many people remember from their childhood but is not often made these days because it has a reputation for being finicky. This Easy No Cook Divinity candy recipe takes all the guesswork out of it and it turns out perfectly every time!

Table of contents

  • 🔑 Key to Success #1 – Find the Frosting Mix
  • 🔑 Key to Success #2 – Use a Stand Mixer or Hand Mixer
  • 🔑 Key to Success #3 – Let it Dry
  • 📌 Get the Printable Recipe for No Cook Divinity Candy
Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (1)

This is my favorite candy at Christmas time.

We make it every year right before Christmas and enjoy it through the holiday season.

I plan ahead to make sure I have the ingredients because I don’t want to miss out on it for an entire year.

Disclosure – I may get a small commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (2)

🔑 Key to Success #1 – Find the Frosting Mix

The key to this Divinity recipe is finding the Betty Crocker Fluffy White Frosting mix.

A lot of Walmart stores do not carry it but you can sometimes find it at smaller local grocery stores.

If not, it is available on Amazon.com.

This frosting mix is not the one in the can.

It’s packaged in a small box and the directions say to mix with boiling water.

Click here for the Fluffy White Frosting mix at Amazon.com.

A lot of times, it will come in a multi-pack.

You can use the other boxes of Fluffy White Frosting to make frosting for angel food cake.

This frosting tastes very much like classic 7-minute frosting but is much easier to make and not finicky at all.

Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (3)

🔑 Key to Success #2 – Use a Stand Mixer or Hand Mixer

When you’re ready to mix up your Divinity candy, be sure to use a stand mixer if you have one.

The Divinity candy will be stiff by the time it’s done and the stand mixer will make things easier to manage.

I have a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer and it works great for this recipe. (And how beautiful is this color?)

Use your whisk attachment that came with your stand mixer. If you don’t have one, you can get one on Amazon or at a kitchen supply store.

If you don’t have a stand mixer, you can use an electric hand mixer instead.

This mixing bowl is the perfect one.

It has high, straight sides that keep the splattering to a minimum and it’s made of glass, which will not get damaged by the beaters on a hand mixer.

Mix together the Fluffy White Frosting Mix, light corn syrup, boiling water, and vanilla until it is stiff, about 5 minutes.

Making sure the mixture is super stiff is a critical step!

Once it’s stiff, slowly add in the powdered sugar.

The mixture will be super sticky and stiff. This is what makes it so good.

And don’t forget to add in the nuts!

For an extra boost of nutty flavor, you can toast the pecans before adding them to the Divinity.

To toast pecans, put them on a rimmed sheet pan and cook at 350 degrees F for 7-10 minutes.

Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (4)

🔑 Key to Success #3 – Let it Dry

After the Divinity candy is mixed up, use two spoons to drop it by spoonfuls onto waxed paper.

The candy is very sticky and has a tendency to stick to the spoons so you’ll just have to use the spoons to scrape the candy onto the waxed paper.

Just let it sit at room temperature for 4-6 hours until the tops are firm.

You will know that the tops are firm when you gently press the Divinity candy and the tops are dry.

If you get any sticky candy on your finger, you’ll need to wait a little longer to turn them over.

The amount of time it takes for Divinity to dry depends on the weather.

Humid or rainy days may take a little longer for them to firm up, but they will get there!

When the top of the candy is dry, use a butter knife to scrape the Divinity off the waxed paper and turn it over so that the bottoms can dry and firm up.

I usually let the bottoms dry overnight, at least 12-16 hours.

Once the candy is dry, you can store it in an airtight container for several weeks.

You’ll be lucky if this yummy candy lasts a week though.

Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (5)

📌 Get the Printable Recipe for No Cook Divinity Candy

Save this No Cook Divinity recipe to your favorite Christmas Recipes board or your Candy Recipes board.

Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (7)

No Cook Divinity Candy

Yield: 40 pieces

Prep Time: 45 minutes

Drying Time: 16 hours

Total Time: 16 hours 45 minutes

Divinity is a classic white Christmas candy that many people remember from their childhood but is not often made these days because it has a reputation for being finicky. This Easy No Cook Divinity recipe takes all the guesswork out of it and it turns out perfectly every time!


  • 1 pkg Betty Crocker Fluffy White Frosting Mix
  • 1/3 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup pecans, chopped


  1. In bowl of stand mixer with whisk attachment or using a hand mixer, beat dry frosting mix, corn syrup, vanilla, and boiling water on low speed until well blended. Beat on high speed until stiff peaks form, about 5 minutes.
  2. Gradually beat in powdered sugar on low speed. Stir in chopped nuts.
  3. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper. Let stand until outside of candy feels firm, about 4 hours. Turn over and allow to dry at least 12 hours.
  4. Stir in airtight container.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 40Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 73Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 4mgCarbohydrates: 14gFiber: 0gSugar: 14gProtein: 0g

Nutrition Information Provided For Educational and Informational Purposes Only.

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Easy No Cook Divinity Candy Recipe (2024)


Why is divinity candy so hard to make? ›

Humidity equals wet, and wet equals candy that often won't set. Even in the cooler and less humid months, it can be a challenge to make old fashioned divinity - that being a divinity that is purely sugar, corn syrup, water, egg whites, chopped pecans, a little vanilla - and a goodly amount of elbow grease.

How to tell when divinity is done? ›

The divinity is ready when it holds its shape in a mound on the parchment paper. If it turns into a puddle, continue beating the mixture.

Why is my divinity not hardening? ›

If your divinity candy fails to harden, add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and beat again. Allow it to rest for about 15 minutes. This will absorb more moisture and will allow your sweet treat to harden. If you want your divinity candy to soften up a bit add hot water a tablespoon at a time and beat it again.

What is divinity candy made of? ›

Divinity is a confection made from egg whites, corn syrup, and sugar. It's similar to nougat, fudge, or marshmallow. Tip: replace the sugar with brown sugar to create "sea foam." Other ingredients can be used to give the candy other tastes, like chopped dried fruit and chopped nuts.

Why does divinity fail? ›

Now, making divinity comes with all kinds of warnings about humidity and weather. You can't make it if it is "too" humid or if it's raining. The moisture in the air will keep the candy from setting and drying properly.

Why is my divinity chewy? ›

Divinity is a nougat-like sugar candy that is aerated with egg-white foam. It's a cross between a meringue and a candy, and can be soft and chewy, or hard and crunchy depending on temperature and ratio of sugar syrup to egg whites.

What is the best way to store divinity candy? ›

Layer fudge pieces or divinity between waxed paper in an airtight container to prevent from quickly drying out. Store at room temperature up to 2 days or in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

What is the difference between nougat and divinity? ›

The only difference between making nougat and making Divinity, I saw, was that nougat requires that after blending beaten egg whites without about half of your hard-ball-stage syrup, you heat the rest to near hard-crack before blending it in. So the Divinity process is basically an easier version of the nougat process.

What to do when divinity doesn't set up? ›

But if your divinity fails to harden, you can beat in two tablespoons of powdered sugar and allow the mixture to rest a few minutes; if the candy hardens too much, you can blend in hot water a tablespoon at a time until the perfect, fluffy consistency is reached.

Why won't my homemade candy harden? ›

In hard candy making, it is important to cook all the water out of the sugar/corn syrup/water mixture. If the sugar mixture is not cooked to the proper temperature (the hard-crack stage 300-310° F {149-154° C.} or if you are working in a kitchen with high humidity, chances are your candy is retaining too much moisture.

How to get divinity to set up? ›

Divinity should be dry and set within two hours, but have patience. It may take a little longer. If you would like to try correcting a thin divinity, beat in a little bit of powdered sugar at a time until the consistency is drier and thicker, before dropping onto sheets of waxed paper again to dry.

What's the difference between fudge and divinity? ›

Typically known as "divinity," this fudge is unlike your average. This is because it's a fluffy white or artificially tinted fudge. Whereas traditional fudge is made from your usual baking ingredients (sugar, butter, milk and cream) -- divinity is created out of sugar, corn syrup, egg whites, and artificial flavoring.

Does divinity need to be refrigerated? ›

Divinity candy can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. It can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. If you are storing divinity candy in the refrigerator, let it come to room temperature before cutting it into squares.

Is divinity the same as marshmallow? ›

Actually, divinity is a candy that has the texture of a marshmallow, although there are no marshmallows used in the recipe. It's also similar to fudge, but still so different. (Is that clear enough😉 ?) If you have never tried divinity, this is an easy recipe to give a try and a taste!

Is Divinity Original Sin complicated? ›

The game wants you to. Not too difficult, but be aware you'll probably get halfway through the first act before you really 'get' it, at which point you'll want to start over. After doing so, you'll get to the start of act 2, and then you'll really get it for sure this time and want to start over again....

Is divinity hard or soft? ›

Divinity should never be tacky or sticky, and it should not be crunchy. It should be dull and soft.

How long does it take for divinity to set? ›

Drop mixture from buttered spoon onto waxed paper. Let stand at room temperature at least 12 hours, turning candies over once, until candies feel firm.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.