filling electrons orbitals, which these correct format? (a) 1s2s2p3s3d3p4s4d (b) 2s2p3s quad3d3p4s4p (c) 1s2s2p s | Question AI (2024)


In filling electrons into orbitals, which of these is the correct format? (A) 1s2s2p3s3d3p4s4d (B) Is 2s2p3s quad3d3p4s4p (C) 1s2s2p s 3 p 4s3d4p (D) 1s2s2p quad3s3p quad3d4s4p Provide answers to questions 21 , and 22 by considering the reaction of chlorine gas with ethane as represented in the equation: CH_(3)CH_(3)+Cl_(2)rarr"X"y+HCl , 21. What are the missing catalyst (X) and the main product of the reaction (Y) respectively? (A) Chlorine and CH_(3)CH_(2)Cl (B) Sunlight and ethane (C) Sunlight and CH_(3)CH_(2)Cl (D) Chlorine and ethane 22. In general terms, what type of a reaction does the reaction equation represent? (A) An elimination reaction (B) A subsitution reaction (C) An addition reaction (D) A combustion reaction 23. If If according HCl to the equation: rules? (A) Markovnikov (B) Saytzeff (C) Clemmensen(D) Anti-Markovnikov 24. Which of these hydrocarbons is often used by panel beaters in their welding works? (A) Ethane (B) Ethene (C) Ethyne (D) Ethylene glycol 25. Which of this raw material is an easy source of acetylene ( A ) butane (B) CaCO_(3) (C) CaC_(2) (D) MgCO_(3) 26. Identify the correct order of leaving group in S_(N)1 reactions (A) F > Cl > Br > I (B) Cl < (:F > | > Br (C) I > Br > Cl≫F (D) None of the above 27. The following factors affect S_(N)2 reactions except (A) Structure of the electrophile (B) Nature of substrate (C) Solvent effects (D) Leaving groups 28. Which of the following reagents is not nucleophilic in nature? (A) HSO_(3) (B) SO_(3) (C) Cl (D) R^(**)Li 29. For most organic reactions, which of the following statements are true? (I) Nucleophilic displacement of hydrogen is not known (II) The OH^(') ion will attack a site of high electron density with difficulty, if at all (III) Saturated hydrocarbon are generally very reactive (A) (II) only (B) (I) and (II) only (C) (I) only (D) (II) and (III) only 30. What is the general formula of the alkanols, given that alkyl unit ( R ) is C_(n)H_(2n)+1 ? (A) RCOOH (B) ROH (C) ROR (D) RCOOR 31. If the heat of atomization (Q) of CH_(3)CH_(2)Br is +2730KJmol^(-1) . Find the bond energy of C-Br bond in CH_(3)CH_(2)Br . (Given that, {:C-C=+349KJmol^(-1),C-H=+415KJmol^(-1))*(A)+306 (B) -306(C)+5154 (D) -5154 32. Which of the figure below represents sp hybridization and the correct name of the compound 1 II III IV (A) I, Methane (B) IV, Ethyne (C) III, Ethyne (D) II, Ethane 33. Given the structure: C_(4)-C_(3)-C_(2)-C_(1)rarr- > . Which of the carbon atoms would experience greater inductive effects from X(A)C_(4) (B) C_(3)(C)C_(2) (D) C_(1) 34. The bond length of a C-O bond is 1.45 xx10^(-8)cm and the magnitude of charge is 0.150e . What is the dipole moment across the bond? [Note, {:A°=10^(-8)(cm)] (A) 0.103 (B) 0.022D (C). 0.218D (D) 1.044D 35. What is the 4 th term of spin quantum number if the energy level of electron is 5//3 ? (A) 3//4 (B) -3//4 (C) 4//3 (D) -4//3 36. Given that the bond length and the dipole moment of a carbonyl compound are 1.43"Å" and 0.86D respectively. What is the value of charge on this bond? (A) 0.215e (B) 0.125e (C) 1.125e (D) 1.215e 37. What are the respective bond angles of But-1-ene and But-1-yne? (A) 120° and 180° (B) 109.5° and 180° (C) 180° and 90° (D) 120° and 109.5° 38. The geometrical configurations of sp,sp^(2) and sp^(3) orbitals are respectively .................. and ............... (A) Linear, octahedral and trigonal (B) Linear, trigonal tind tetrahedral (C) Octahedral, tetrahedral and linear (D) Trigonal, linear and tetrahedral Page 7 of 4


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filling electrons orbitals, which these correct format? (a) 1s2s2p3s3d3p4s4d (b) 2s2p3s quad3d3p4s4p (c) 1s2s2p s | Question AI (2)

Ronaldo Dela CruzElite · Tutor for 8 years


<p> <br />20. A<br />21. C<br />22. B<br />23. A<br />24. C<br />25. C<br />26. C<br />27. D<br />28. B<br />29. B<br />30. B<br />31. A<br />32. C<br />33. D<br />34. C<br />35. B<br />36. B<br />37. A<br />38. B<br /></p>


<p> <br />20. The correct format for filling electrons into orbitals is given by Aufbau's principle, Hund's rule, and the Pauli exclusion principle. Option A represents the correct order of filling.<br /><br />21. The reaction of chlorine gas with ethane in the presence of sunlight is a substitution reaction. The correct catalyst is sunlight (X), and the main product is chloroethane, CH3CH2Cl (Y). Hence, the answer is C.<br /><br />22. The reaction between chlorine gas and ethane is a substitution reaction, where a hydrogen atom in ethane is replaced by a chlorine atom. Therefore, the correct answer is B.<br /><br />23. The reaction of 2-Methylpropene with HCl is an addition reaction where HCl adds across the double bond. According to Markovnikov's rule, the hydrogen atom attaches to the carbon with more hydrogen atoms, and the chlorine attaches to the carbon with fewer hydrogen atoms. Hence, the answer is A.<br /><br />24. Ethyne (acetylene) is often used by panel beaters in their welding works due to its high flame temperature when burnt with oxygen. Therefore, the answer is C.<br /><br />25. Calcium carbide (CaC2) is an easy source of acetylene. When reacted with water, it produces acetylene gas. Thus, the answer is C.<br /><br />26. In SN1 reactions, the leaving group ability is generally Iodide (I) > Bromide (Br) > Chloride (Cl) > Fluoride (F). Therefore, the correct order is C.<br /><br />27. The factors affecting SN2 reactions include the structure of the electrophile, nature of the substrate, and solvent effects. Leaving groups do not affect the rate of SN2 reactions. Hence, the answer is D.<br /><br />28. Among the given options, SO3 is not nucleophilic in nature. It is a strong electrophile. Therefore, the answer is B.<br /><br />29. Statement I is correct as nucleophilic displacement of hydrogen is generally not observed. Statement II is also correct; the OH ion attacks sites of low electron density, not high. Saturated hydrocarbons are generally not very reactive, making statement III incorrect. Therefore, the answer is B.<br /><br />30. The general formula for alkanols is ROH, where R is an alkyl group. Given that the alkyl unit (R) is CnH2n+1, the formula ROH represents alkanols. Hence, the answer is B.<br /><br />31. To find the bond energy of the C-Br bond in CH3CH2Br, we use the given heats of atomization and subtract the known bond energies (C-C and C-H) from the total heat of atomization. The correct calculation leads to +306 KJmol−1. Therefore, the answer is A.<br /><br />32. Ethyne (C2H2) is an example of sp hybridization. Among the given options, III represents ethyne. Hence, the answer is C.<br /><br />33. The carbon atom closest to the substituent X will experience the greatest inductive effect. In this structure, C1 is closest to X, so it will experience the greatest effect. Therefore, the answer is D.<br /><br />34. The dipole moment is calculated using the formula: dipole moment = bond length × magnitude of charge. Using the given values, the correct calculation results in a dipole moment of 0.218D. Hence, the answer is C.<br /><br />35. The fourth term of the spin quantum number is always either +1/2 or -1/2. Given the energy level of the electron as 5/3, the spin quantum number does not change and remains at either +1/2 or -1/2. Therefore, neither of the given options is correct.<br /><br />36. The charge on the bond is calculated using the formula: charge = dipole moment / bond length. Using the given values, the correct calculation results in a charge of 0.125 e. Hence, the answer is B.<br /><br />37. The bond angle in But-1-ene is approximately 120° due to its sp2 hybridization, and in But-1-yne, it's approximately 180° due to its sp hybridization. Therefore, the answer is A.<br /><br />38. The geometrical configurations of sp, sp2, and sp3 orbitals are linear, trigonal, and tetrahedral, respectively. Hence, the answer is B.<br /></p>

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filling electrons orbitals, which these correct format? (a) 1s2s2p3s3d3p4s4d (b) 2s2p3s quad3d3p4s4p (c) 1s2s2p s | Question AI (2024)


What is the correct order for electrons filling in orbitals? ›

Aufbau Principle

The energy of an orbital is calculated by the sum of the principal and the azimuthal quantum numbers. According to this principle, electrons are filled in the following order: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p

How to fill spdf orbitals? ›

There are different orbital shapes (s,p,d,f) Each orbital can only hold 2 electrons max. There is a hierarchy, i.e. s orbitals will be filled before p orbitals which will be filled before d orbitals and so on. (s<p<d<f) (note, this is a general rule but there are exceptions)

What is 1s2s2p3s3p? ›

Hence, the correct answer is phosphorus, which has an atomic number of 15 corresponding to its 15 electrons.

What is 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p in chemistry? ›

In the question 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p represents electron orbital energy levels. These orbital energy levels depend on 2 quantum numbers-Principal quantum number $(n)$ and Azimuthal quantum number$(l)$ . Principal quantum number describe the electronic shell of an atom.

What is the correct order of orbitals? ›

1s< 2s< 2p< 3s< 3p< 4s< 3d< 4p< 5s< 4d< 5p< 6s< 4f< 5d<6p< 7s.

Which subshell is filled after 4p? ›

In order as: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p… 1s will be filled first, with the maximum of 2 electrons.

How many electrons fill in SPDF? ›

Atomic orbitalsMaximum number of electrons that it could hold

What are orbitals in SPDF? ›

The s, p, d, and f, respectively stand for sharp, primary, diffuse and fundamental. The letters and words refer to the visual impression left by the spectral lines' fine structure that occurs because of the first relativistic corrections, particularly the spin-orbital interaction.

How do you fill electrons in d orbitals? ›

There are five d orbitals starting with the fourth energy level. One electron enters each orbital, having the same spin. Then a second electron enters each orbital, having opposite spin, for a total of 10 electrons. This is similar to the way in which p orbitals fill.

What is the electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p3? ›

P3–: From Table 2.2, the electron configuration for an atom of phosphorus is 1s22s22p63s23p3. In order to become an ion with a minus three charge, it must acquire three electrons—in this case another three 3p. Thus, the electron configuration for a P3– ion is 1s22s22p63s23p6.

Which orbital is filled after 4s? ›

The oddity is the position of the 3d orbitals, which are shown at a slightly higher level than the 4s. This means that the 4s orbital which will fill first, followed by all the 3d orbitals and then the 4p orbitals.

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The electron configuration for magnesium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2.

How many electrons are in 4p? ›

As each orbital can hold maximum two electrons so total electrons p orbital can hold is 6. Therefore, the 4p orbital can hold two electrons and the 4p subshell can hold a total of six electrons.

What is the SPDF configuration? ›

Electron Configuration Orbitals

The spdf orbital shapes are determined by the number of subshells they each have. The s-subshell has one orbital, the p-subshell has three orbitals, the d-subshell has five orbitals, and the f-subshell has seven orbitals. Each type of orbital has a different shape.

Is there an order for electron filling? ›

Electron filling always starts with 1s, the subshell closest to the nucleus. Next is 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, etc., shown in the electron shell filling order diagram in Figure 2.6. 2. Follow each arrow in order from top to bottom.

What is the order of filling electrons in molecular orbitals? ›

Starting at the lowest energy level, the electrons are placed in the orbitals according to the Pauli principle and Hund's rule. Two electrons each fill the σ2s and σ2s* orbitals, 2 fill the σ2pz orbital, 4 fill the two degenerate π orbitals, and 4 fill the two degenerate π* orbitals, for a total of 14 electrons.

What are the rules for filling electrons in orbital? ›

What are the 3 rules for filling electrons into orbitals? The three rules are: Aufbau principle (fill lowest energy orbitals first), Pauli exclusion principle (maximum 2 electrons per orbital with opposite spins), and Hund's rule (electrons fill degenerate orbitals singly before pairing up).

What is the order of the atomic orbitals filled up in? ›

The principle states that: “In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are filled in order of their increasing energies.”


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