Huckleberry: Recipes, Stories, and Secrets from Our Kit… (2024)


475 reviews17 followers

August 16, 2015

I have not yet made anything from this cookbook, but would have to agree with some reviewers that there are some errors in measurements (volume to gram conversions mostly, though many of the muffins did seem to call for way too much fat/liquid as I've also seen mentions). I suspect if you are experienced and know to go into the recipes with a questioning frame of mind you can do just fine. It may also be worth checking the publisher's website for any corrections/errata before embarking on new recipe.

As for her narrative style, it seemed authentic to me and did not turn me off and I have never lived in her region so I don't think that is why. Nothing in the narrative sections is essential to making the recipes so if her manner is upsetting to you just skip it. I will agree that the apologies section was perhaps a bit over the top and not the most flattering to her, though I suspect it was pretty much a long series for inside jokes that really didn't need included in the book. But again, just go ahead and skip it. No one is sitting there forcing you to read every printed word in the book.

    cookbook ebook kindle


1 review

November 5, 2017

The recipes look amazing & the (e)book is gorgeous, but this is one of the few times I’ve finished a book grateful that I don’t know the author personally.


Eric Mesa

760 reviews22 followers

March 26, 2019

My favorite part of this cookbook has been the intros to each chapter. Mrs Zoe Nathan has organized the chapters into the time of day needed to start working on the items to be ready to open Huckleberry for breakfast. Her stories are entertaining and reveal a lot about her personality. My second favorite part is that each recipe has an intro that explains the origins of the dish as well as pairings and substitutions that work well with the recipe. The only bad thing is that her recipes use a LOT of butter. A LOT. So while all baked goods are less healthy for you than, say, veggie dishes or even some burgers, these are not for those taking lipitor. That said, I ear-marked a good 2 dozen or so recipes I'd like to make, including a banana-poppy seed muffin I can't wait to make this weekend.



29 reviews

January 18, 2021

I really love this cookbook, I’ve made several recipes and can see myself making the entire book. It’s for those who want to slightly up their muffin/baking making game without being ridiculous. There are some ingredients you won’t have at home but nothing ludicrous. This wouldn’t be a great book if you have an almond allergy. Also, tons of butter and sugar. I actually use less chopped dark chocolate than she asks for just to make it more family friendly. The only complaints are the recipes often make 14 or 16 muffins which is annoying and the author doesn’t come off that great (like she’s the type of person she’d ban from her own bakery). Overall though this is an excellent cookbook I am really enjoying.

*Edit: I found an error in the blueberry bran recipe, it should be 125 g wheat germ not 200 g. I emailed about this and got the following response:
“Zoe actually often enjoys working in cups so many of our original recipes at the bakery were done that way. For the cookbook an assistant did gram conversions where necessary and it seems her calculations were not always on point.”
Not really impressed as really baking by weight should give better results and it’s just sloppy to print a cookbook with errors. Have decreased my review by 1 star for this reason.


174 reviews7 followers

December 7, 2014

Nathan's book redefines baked goodies for me. I already made her pear and ginger muffins and have several other recipes dog eared to try in the coming weeks. What makes this book stand out from the many other baking books that I've read is that she incorporates ingredients that I usually wouldn't even think of when it comes to baking. Bulgar? Really? Never tried it, but I'm sure it's delicious the way I'm reading the recipe. What's even great is that you don't really have to go out of your way to find the ingredients like some other top end cook books. In addition, the croque monsieur is legit. They are JUST like the ones they make at Coquelicot on LA rue abbesses in Montmontre (if you find a good quality Gruyère cheese). Totally approachable and never pretentious. That's how a cookbook should be.



420 reviews

January 20, 2021

I made two recipes so far, ginger pear muffins and chai latte, and they were both out of this world. Every recipe looks great, and the photos are amazing.

Ms. Nathan has great tips to share about ingredients, tools, and techniques. She also offers great advice: “Please remember baking is supposed to be fun, so don’t take yourself too seriously while you’re doing it. Also remember that no one is a ‘natural.’” Like anything else, it takes time and practice to become “good.” I’m happy to practice with the delectable recipes in this cookbook.


485 reviews

June 30, 2017

This recipes look delicious--I want to make everyone of them.

If you're looking for a little inspiration for breakfast or brunch, then this is a good place to start.



508 reviews2 followers

September 4, 2015

I admit, sometimes I skip the writing and go straight to the recipes. I'm really glad I didn't for this cookbook, because Nathan's story and voice are so lovely that you don't want to miss them.

When you bookmark the first three recipes (all riffs on chocolate muffins), you kind of know how much you're going to love the book. They aren't anything avant garde or genius, but they ALL SOUND SO GOOD that I ended up bookmarking a silly amount of pages. (Update 9/3/15: tried her chocolate chunk muffins and they were divine. There was 1 T butter/muffin, but wow. And they got devoured on the first day).

I like how there's Huckleberry recipes, but also home recipes, so there's a mix of easy/hard, chill/involved recipes. I also like the absence of a croissant recipe. I think it's totally unnecessary, because 9.9/10 people would never make a croissant at home (I once had dreams of it, but have since come to my senses).

I think the layout is clever- it's organized based on what gets baked/cooked first in the morning at Huckleberry. I've never see another cookbook like that.

Gina Burrell

40 reviews

January 3, 2015

OMG, for anyone who has not ventured into Santa Monica, Ca. to delight in Zoe's pastries and bread, is truly missing something fantastic. It is not only a bakery, but a breakfast, lunch and dinner place as well. Zoe's baked goods are irresistible, and now with her book, you can be "Zoe" in your own kitchen. Her recipes are magnifIcent and pretty easy to make. Her hints are fabulous and certainly make the baking easier. You can feel Zoe's love of baking in every recipe and picture. Along with her husband, Josh Loeb, they have opened two more restaurants. Another breakfast, lunch bakery called Milo and Olive (named after her son Milo), and an amazing ice ream parlor in Brentwood called Sweet Rose Creamery. Not to be missed. Some of the the most delicious and flavorful ice cream I've ever had. A must go to, and a must book to own.

Iffat Arsl

25 reviews

September 29, 2019

I bought this book few days ago in anticipation to work on my depression (baking is theraputic). I marked many recipes to try during this week. It took me some effort to bring myself to the kitchen from my safe haven (my bed). I made the easy thing "Pancakes". They were love by everyone and my kids can't wait for me to make another batch tomorrow. I made breakfast for the first time in years like in 5 years. This successful story of pancakes this morning is pushing me to make the english muffins tomorrow and maybe just may scones. I am happy I bought the printed version of the book it feels good to have it in your hand and make notes.

Tia Malkin-fontecchio

76 reviews

January 19, 2015

I received this as a Christmas present, along with about 5 other baking books. This is hands down my favorite. This is a book for any baker who loves breakfast. Everything I have made has been easy and delicious. I consider myself someone who has a well stocked pantry, but the book did challenge me to keep some new types of flours on hand (for example almond meal/flour). I will be making a pilgrimage to the bakery next summer when I visit California.


5 reviews

February 17, 2015

I promptly read the whole book once I got it, as I often read cookbooks. It is an inspiring story of passion and dedication. I wanted to cook almost everything in the book, have only gotten to a couple things-but they were great. Instructions are well written for home cooks and diverse offerings-I would love to visit one of her restaurants after reading this book. It is the whole package for great cookbook, both functional and beautiful.


1,843 reviews18 followers

March 13, 2015

This is a breakfast bake cookbook. Tons of breads, coffee cakes, muffins. While I am trying not to copy too many recipes, I did make English muffins (pretty good, if a little doughy - I'll fix it by making them thinner next time) and I plan on making brioche, maple-bacon biscuits and possibly a coffee cake (although admittedly I have a lot of coffee cake recipes; this one did look particularly delicious).

I recommend this for anyone who loves breakfast, baking and cookbooks.

    cookbook recommended

Natalie Bergman

4 reviews1 follower

November 30, 2014

Ms. Nathan's book is thoroughly approachable. Her recipes are enticing and beautiful, and her relaxed yet precise style seems perfectly suited to the home baker. I am completely wowed by the simplicity and deliciousness of her recipes and can't wait to get in the kitchen and start whipping up batches of crostata, scones, teacakes and much more.


603 reviews23 followers

January 5, 2015

I got the Kindle version of this cookbook and it's gorgeous and easy to read and reference. These are some really beautiful baked goods and the book is filled with tips and advice on how to succeed. Also, many many variations of each recipe are offered, so you could change it depending on what you had/like most.



3 reviews

February 21, 2015

Time for a trip to California now....

After reading this entertaining cookbook, it makes me want to travel to California just to be able to eat at Huckleberry. Even though this book has many yummy recipes that we can make at home, kit is fun to eat at the restaurant to feel the vibe there and then recreate it at home.


575 reviews

August 30, 2017

I've made a few recipes from this book and all of them have turned out great. My family has been very impressed with each one. The pictures are gorgeous and it is worth getting the book just to look through it. I love the yellow polka-dotted sides and the "apologies" at the back of the book.

Shannon C

92 reviews41 followers

January 16, 2021

Beautiful, unique, interesting, and every recipe includes a dash of love.
I love this book!

Seattle Soul

181 reviews

February 19, 2023

I picked up, “Huckleberry” at Half-Priced books while my daughter was selling back her old books. The cover image caught my eye. I would love to learn how to really bake. If I could find some bakery that would let me intern and learn how to bake, I would be there in an instant.

A few of the recipes looked interesting so I was inspired to purchase the second hand book.

This book has so many amazing, doable recipes, not just sweets , but savory dishes that make my tongue tingle just reading the instructions.

The bonus of this book is that between the recipes it tells the story of how Zoe found her dream, how her parents influenced and supported her journey-her father in the kitchen making slowly making pancakes for customers and her husband opening up his restaurant during the early morning hours (3 am) to give her a creative space bake and create amazing breakfast meals.

Zoe opens each section describing a particular hour-starting as her crew slowly rolling in, turning on equipment, arguing and laughing with the family that helps to make the restaurant and Huckleberry (in the future) a success. It’s funny and heartwarming.

Each recipe is introduced with a few thoughts on where this recipe was created, how to adapt it and how it connects to her life, her family, and her restaurant family. If you are a farmer market shopper or have seasonal produce available, this book is for you.

I look forward to working my way through this book, especially the section on hearty bowls with an egg on top-right up my alley!

I will not be selling this back to HPB.

Raheel Shaharyar

190 reviews3 followers

April 11, 2020

I've had this book for years! I bought it when it first was published and I was so excited. It read beautifully and all the recipes were enticing. However, none of the recipes worked out. One of the big draws for me was that this book used metric measurements. In baking that is the most accurate way to scale a recipe. There were large errors between the metric and volume measurements. This doesn't make sense to me because a bakery uses metric measurements. If you're going to publish a book you should double and triple check your measurements. This book ends up sitting on the shelf because I can never trust the recipes working out. It's a shame because it's a beautiful book



2,111 reviews20 followers

September 18, 2017

First of all I must say that this is a cookbook from a bakery. For me that means that there is going to be much that goes into the recipes in this book. I was right, most of the recipes involve many ingredients and SO many steps. Saying that I would totally eat what was in this book. The food is beautiful and it sounds delicious with out even having tasted it. There are not too many pictures in this book which is a let down however, the food makes up for it in this case. I do not know if I could make stuff from this and have it turn out like it is supposed to but I would love to try.


436 reviews14 followers

September 28, 2020

I found a lot of the supporting text grating -a lot of talking about how hard (hard, hard, hard) restaurant work is, and how flaky (!) some people are, and how the "girls" are gossiping- all of this is true of restaurant work and any working-with-people. I guess it is evocative of a place and a moment, it's just not one I want to hang out in.

Recipes: classic Americana breakfast, in a good way.


Jessica Furtado

Author1 book40 followers

October 2, 2018

One of few cookbooks that I actually plan to use! This one has several recipes that I can't wait to try, rather than the usual 2-3 recipes that I scour cookbooks for. The ingredients are fairly simple and can be found in most grocery stores. The instructions aren't overly complicated, and the pictures are scrumptious. Grab me my apron and I am good to go!


Karen Coronado

1 review

June 20, 2020

Can someone please tell me where to find the publisher's corrections and edits on the numerous errors in this book? I really want to start baking but because of the many reviews saying NOTHING is turning out I don't want to spend time and ingredients on something that isn't going to turn out. Please if you know where to find the recipe's corrections let me know!


7 reviews

June 16, 2019

Simply The Best!

I have tested thousands of recipes and these are all excellent! If you want to eat tasty zucchini muffins, blueberry scones, or mini strawberry galettes with awesome buttery pastry dough buy this book immediately!


174 reviews53 followers

January 18, 2018

People who know me should get ready for baked goods!

Brindi Michele

3,569 reviews51 followers

March 6, 2018's all breakfast food. :)



1,680 reviews

September 17, 2020

delightful book with beautiful how to pictures.

Marilyn K

479 reviews

April 30, 2022

Entertaining, and the recipes were simpler than many bread cookbooks.

Huckleberry: Recipes, Stories, and Secrets from Our Kit… (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.