Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation | Built In (2024)

There’s no doubt that motivation is required to achieve a goal, but the question lies in whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivation is at play. Intrinsic motivation is fueled by the internal satisfaction that comes with completing an action, even if there is no obvious reward. Extrinsic motivation, meanwhile, is driven by the promise of an external reward — or the avoidance of a punishment — rather than the pursuit of personal satisfaction.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivators stem from an internal factor, such as the need or desire to excel, feel good about oneself, meet a goal or fulfill part of one’s self. Extrinsic motivators are external forces, for instance quotas, the hope of a reward or fear of punishment. A motivator can be both intrinsic and extrinsic: Money is extrinsic, but the satisfaction of providing for one’s family is intrinsic.

As a result, intrinsic motivation is commonly found in situations where a goal or action has deep meaning, like volunteering for a nonprofit because it brings personal fulfillment or taking up an art project because it makes you happy. Extrinsic motivation tends to show up in scenarios where someone is after an external reward, like exceeding a work quota to earn a raise or competing in a tournament for a prize.

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are critical to success. “A good balance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators at work is ideal,” said Fran Maxwell, leader of the people advisory and organizational change proactive at business consultancyProtiviti.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation | Built In (1)

What Is Intrinsic Motivation?

Intrinsic motivation stems from internal factors or forces. For instance, completing a task because it’spersonally fulfilling; the satisfaction of setting and reaching long- orshort-term goals; excelling as a point of pride; and earning more money for the feeling of satisfaction in providing for one’s family.

Intrinsic motivation can guide corporate HR efforts. Take the current trend toward enabling employees tolive their purpose. Perks such as volunteer days or participating incorporate philanthropy help employees live their purpose, or, in other words, use work to satisfy internal needs and longings in addition to earning a living.

“There’s been a shift towards not wanting work to be everything,” said Jordan Nielsen, assistant professor of management at Purdue University. “It seems like a step back where people are saying, ‘even if this work is really meaningful, I want to have a life outside of work.’”

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What Is Extrinsic Motivation?

Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors. Hope of a reward (the proverbial carrot) or fear of punishment (the proverbial stick) are both extrinsic motivators. Nielsen defines extrinsic motivation as a means to an end. “Money and status are the first two things that usually pop into people’s heads,” he said.

Salespeople, for example, generally thrive on external motivators such as bonuses, which is why organizations often hold sales contests to motivate them.

Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivation: Which Is Best?

Which motivator is more powerful depends on the situation, Maxwell said. Intrinsic motivators can be more sustainable, as they tend to spring from someone’s personality or moral compass, “but I do think it depends on the personality type,” he added.

The key is to make sure these types of motivation are used to complement — not interfere with — one another. For example, an external reward can encourage someone to try an activity they weren’t interested in at first or learn a new skill. It can also serve as a standard to help someone gauge their performance. But applying an external reward to an activity someone already inherently enjoys might lessen the satisfaction they get from that activity.

So, organizations should identify each individual’s motivators and nurture them by asking or throughpersonality assessments.

“Adjusting to motivators is key to help assist in the overall productivity of the team,” Maxwell said.

Motivation on a Continuum

Human emotions and motivators are complex, so much so that psychologists Richard Ryan and Edward Deci put them on a continuum.

The continuum that illustrates theirSelf Determination Theory of Motivation begins on one end with amotivation, or a lack of motivation, and ends on the other with intrinsic motivation, which Ryan and Deci label as “interest, enjoyment and/or inherent satisfaction.”

In between are four gradations of extrinsic motivation, ranging from performing a task out of fear or punishment or hope of reward (external regulation) to performing a task because it aligns with one’s needs or values.

Prosocial motivation is another variant that has powerful potential, and that can take on both intrinsic and extrinsic forms. Prosocial means the care and concern for the well-being of others and can stem from either external or internal factors, Nielsen said. Being coerced to volunteer (extrinsic) can create internal conflict and uncomfortableness. Charitable work done voluntarily (intrinsic), on the other hand, satisfies an internal need.

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How Companies Motivate Employees

Paychecks, benefits, perks: The effort to motivate people permeates nearly every aspect of human resources efforts. And no wonder. “Motivation produces,” write Ryan and Deci. Here are ways companies strive to motivate employees.

More Money

A steady income is necessary for securing both living essentials and additional wants. External incentives like raises and promotions, then, are a great way to keep employees motivated.

“Money is always going to matter, because [employees] need resources to do stuff,” Nielsen said.

Appealing Company Culture

A healthycorporate culture can stimulate intrinsic motivation. “You have people who are able to do their work because they care about the work itself,” Nielsen said. “That intrinsic motivator is going to often be the difference between a company that’s really innovating and doing cool stuff and one that isn’t.”

Workplace Perks

Dog-friendly offices, ping-pong tables, and free food “seemed like a great idea 10 years ago, and that stuff does seem nice,” Nielsen said. Even so, he’s seen no evidence that trendy workplace perks keep people at an organization.

“People care much more about stuff that really matters,” he added, “like the work itself and whether they can express their values through work.”

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Individualized Motivation

Identifying and nurturing motivation is “imperative,” said Leslie Mizerak, a coach with edtech company Nimblywise. “That’s where we get the best performance, the highest level or results, buy-in loyalty and the highest level of engagement — all those amazing words come from good motivation.” It’s why managers ask about goals at one-on-ones and annual performance reviews.

Motivating each and every employee can be tricky, as many factors, including rewards, personal goals and enjoyment, and personality combine to motivate individuals, said Dan Moshavi, dean of the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business at San Jose State University.

“One of the challenges organizations face is that individuals are motivated in different ways by different things, so it’s tough to create a ‘one size fits all’ set of incentives, although they try,” Moshavi added. “Listening, experimenting and observing are key.”

Whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivators are more effective depends on the individual employee. Bonuses can positively affect short-term productivity, while making sure someone’s work aligns with their interest can spark greater engagement and company loyalty, Moshavi said. What HR professionals refer to as “person-job fit,” meaning the alignment of one’s skills with the required tasks, can also strongly motivate or, in the case of a poor fit, demotivate, Moshavi said.

Another challenge is that motivations change over time. Early in Moshavi’s career, teacher ratings, awards, peer reviews and other external factors were highly motivating. Later in his career, he pivoted to administration as his needs became more intrinsic.

“I get great satisfaction from recognizing, rewarding and praising others,” Moshavi said. “But that’s me — I know folks who become more extrinsically motivated over time, constantly striving for the next promotion.”

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How to Identify Your Motivators

Even if employees work at a company that excels at motivation, they must identify and nurture motivation on their own to create successful and satisfying careers. Paying attention to other’s observations, examining goals and past motivators are some of the ways to figure out what drives you.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations

Intrinsic: Enjoyable, satisfying, fulfilling, fun, interesting
Extrinsic: Payment, fear of punishment, hope of reward, social acceptance


Katie Long enjoyed playing sports as a child; her mother often commented on how the prospect of a win motivated Long. And throughout her life, Long enjoyed setting and reaching goals. “It was pretty motivating for me to see if I could do it,” she said.

Right out of college, Long worked for a media company. She liked the work but wasn’t sure it was her life’s calling. As she worked in media, taking advantage of the opportunity to learn the business, she was introduced to the world of sales. Bingo: The competitive nature of sales struck a motivational chord, as did the chance to earn more money. “Previous managers pointed out that I was definitely motivated to earn more in terms of compensation,” said Long, head of sales at Beachfront, a convergent TV ad platform.

Now, as a manager, Long tries to spot and nurture motivators for her eight team members. “There’s always going to be tasks they have to accomplish as part of their role,” she said. “But I think it’s my job to align opportunities with those individuals because that’s where you see really great success.”

Past Motivators

Feeling a little lackluster in your current role? Think back to situations or projects that ignited your passions in the past, Mizerak said.

Here’s another reason to consider past motivations: Motivators change over time and over the span of a career. Money, status and a clear career path might have motivated you as a college graduate; decades later, your desire to mentor might be more motivating.

“Originally, it was about my own personal growth and learning new things,” said Mizerak of her own career. “Now I get much more joy from helping other people grow and develop.”


Where do you see yourself in five years?” is a time-honored interview and performance review question that gets to the heart of intrinsic motivation. “It tells me what you’re looking for,” said Mizerak. The answer provides the opportunity to dig deeper. For instance, do you see yourself as a manager one day? You might be acting out of either extrinsic (more pay, higher status in the company) or intrinsic (the desire to support a team) motivators.

On the flip side, thinking about why you don’t meet some goals can help determine your motivators, said Cory Althoff, senior vice president of coding systems at CompTIA. If you’re missing deadlines on projects that really don’t float your boat, perhaps the intrinsic motivator is missing and it’s time to ask your manager for an external motivator. Or if you’re working just for the paycheck, and your dream is to save the world, it might be time to consider a new job at a nonprofit.

“Think about what your actual goal is and if it aligns with what motivates you,” Althoff said.

Another goal-aligned tactic: Consider what you do when you set a goal. Do you keep it to yourself or share it with the world in hopes that the world will hold you accountable? The first approach is intrinsic, the second, extrinsic.

Hobbies and Pastimes

What you do off the clock can help you determine what motivates you, Althoff said. Gamers, for instance, might be intrinsically motivated by the desire to win and the thrill of meeting challenges; tech employees who moonlight might be extrinsically motivated to earn more money and/or intrinsically motivated to work on projects more interesting than what the day gig offers.

“Ask yourself what you do for fun and why,” Althoff said.

Whatever motivators you land on, they are almost guaranteed to act as a key that unlocks career potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Intrinsic motivation is fueled by internal factors, such as a desire to achieve a certain goal and finding joy in the pursuit of excellence. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation is driven by external factors, such as monetary rewards and company quotas.

Examples of intrinsic motivation include wanting to achieve self-sufficiency and feeling satisfied when one is able to provide for their family. Examples of extrinsic motivation include sales quotas and the promise of financial rewards.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation | Built In (2024)


Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation | Built In? ›

Intrinsic motivation is fueled by the internal satisfaction that comes with completing an action, even if there is no obvious reward. Extrinsic motivation, meanwhile, is driven by the promise of an external reward — or the avoidance of a punishment — rather than the pursuit of personal satisfaction.

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? ›

Intrinsic motivation comes from an internal desire to accomplish a goal, while extrinsic motivation comes from external rewards and praise. Neither type of motivation is better than the other.

What is the difference between internal and external motivation? ›

At times there are tasks that you do because you want to do them; this is internal motivation. At other times there are tasks that you do because someone else wants you to do them or rewards you for doing them; this is external motivation.

What is an example of an intrinsic motivation? ›

Some examples of intrinsic motivation are: participating in a sport because it's fun and you enjoy it rather than doing it to win an award. learning a new language because you like experiencing new things, not because your job requires it.

What are the 4 types of extrinsic motivation? ›

There are four types of extrinsic motivation: external regulation, introjected regulation, identification, and integrated regulation.

What is the main difference between extrinsic and intrinsic value? ›

Intrinsic value is reflective of the actual value of the strike price versus the current market price. Extrinsic value is made up of time until expiration, implied volatility, dividends and interest rate risks.

What is the main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation quizlet? ›

What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation? Extrinsic motivation refers to engaging in activities to reduce needs or obtain external rewards. Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in activities because those activities are personally rewarding and they fulfill our beliefs or expectations.

What is an example of internal motivation? ›

Internal motivation is seen when a person undertakes an activity for its own sake without any sort of external reward, such as a hobby.

What is an intrinsic motivator? ›

Intrinsic motivation is when you engage in a behavior because you find it rewarding. You are performing an activity for its own sake rather than from the desire for some external reward. The behavior itself is its own reward.

Which type of motivation is external? ›

Extrinsic motivation is a motivation that is driven by external rewards. These can be tangible, such as money or grades, or intangible, such as praise or fame. Unlike intrinsic motivation, which arises from within the individual, extrinsic motivation is focused purely on outside rewards.

Is the best example of extrinsic motivation? ›

Examples include doing something for financial gain, promotion, praise or approval, or to win a competition. Depending on the situation, extrinsic motivation can come from positive reinforcement, such as a reward, or negative reinforcement, such as a punishment.

What are three intrinsic motivations? ›

His book - Drive: the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us - was published in 2009 and very quickly became a bestseller with its focus on the importance and effectiveness of three intrinsic elements to motivation at work: autonomy, mastery and purpose.

What causes intrinsic motivation? ›

So, we are intrinsically motivated when we do something just because we want to do it and because the act of doing it provides us with a feeling of pleasure, based on our natural interests, values, and passions. Tasks that are intrinsically motivating are also referred to as 'autotelic tasks' (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).

Am I intrinsically or extrinsically motivated? ›

Intrinsic motivation describes the undertaking of an activity for its inherent satisfaction, while extrinsic motivation describes behavior driven by external rewards or punishments, abstract or concrete. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual, while extrinsic motivation comes from outside the individual.

Is extrinsic motivation better? ›

Extrinsic motivation may be more effective for some people than it is for others. Certain situations may also be better suited for this form of motivation. For some people, the benefits of external rewards are enough to motivate high-quality continuous work. For others, value-based benefits are more motivating.

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic employee motivation? ›

Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivations

Extrinsic motivators include salary, job perks/benefits, status and work conditions. Intrinsic motivators include things like recognition, challenging work, purposeful work, achievement and opportunities for personal growth.

What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic factors? ›

While intrinsic factors act from within an individual, extrinsic factors wield their influence from the outside (i.e., they are environmental, cultural, or related to lifestyle). Extrinsic factors can have a sizeable impact on a person's health and can affect medical decision-making.

What are intrinsic motivators? ›

Intrinsic motivation is a term used to describe the incentive we feel to complete a task simply because we find it interesting or enjoyable. Extrinsic motivation is what we feel when we complete a task for some external reward. In short, intrinsic motivation allows us to perform at our very best.

Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation? ›

Rewarding a student is an extrinsic type of motivation. It lures the learner to focus on studies for achieving a reward. It refers to the performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome and comes from outside of the individual.


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