Switching to formula - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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1 week PP STM, switching to formula.

My emotions are in full swing breast feeding is such a hard thing for me milk supply is not there yet I cannot get off the couch all he wants to do is nurse. Having a 3.5 year old at home I am not able to do anything with him because I’m stuck to the couch nursing.

Made the decision to switch to formula for my own mental health. Any other moms feeling the same? Feel so guilty but I need to do what’s best for me and the rest of my family.

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I am doing both. I felt like I wasn’t producing enough colostrum but the hospital assured me I was. We’ve been home since Wednesday and he hasn’t met the goals of 1 pee diaper per day of life. His urine is dark dark. The pediatrician sent a home nurse and now baby is jaundiced, and he hasn’t had many poo diapers since we’ve been home. Since we added formula in to supplement, he’s had numerous poos and a blow out tonight and we also got peed on. It’s 2am. The witching hours have begun.

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for my sanity using formula to supplement is helping me. I’m experiencing PPA.

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I’m supplementing with formula and I pumped to bring up my supply. It took 5 days for my milk to come in. Now I have a small oversupply issue, but I’ll take that over what I was going through.

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I felt like I was under supply since birth and felt terrible. I’m hoping to get my babes to birth weight soon.

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I have a 2yo and 4yo and no doubt it’s tough. It can take up to an hour to feed a newborn. If you’re willing to stick it out, it doesn’t take long for them to become more efficient feeders and therefore nursing becomes much faster! I can feed my bub standing up holding him with one arm so I still have one arm free for the older two. Not ideal but if it means we get out of the house then I’ll take it.

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I told myself I would try breastfeeding and pumping. Our first didn't latch well and this one does great but its a lot. I feel like that's all I'm doing. I decided not long after being home from the hospital that I would just formula feed. don't like it but we have a 2.5 yr old who also needs attention so I completely understand.
I just know fed is best!

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I hear you same for me and my first. Thank you for sharing your experience as well and making me feel heard! Fed is best and so is our mental health! :)

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I'm considering doing the same bc my son is feeling so alone an like I don't want to play with him bc I'm pumping. even with portable pumps it doesn't leave me much room in between.

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Never even tried breastfeeding because I just knew it wasn’t going to allow me to show up and be present and my best self for my son. I felt a little guilty at first, but honestly he’s a great eater and a happy newborn. Do what’s right for you!!

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thank you for sharing this. I have also made the decision to switch it’s the best option for our family as well! ❤️ thank you for making me feel not alone

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Im doing both formula and bf, its my 4th baby and the one who is actually breastfeeding the best �� but i have 3 other kiddos to take care of my last being just 2yo its hard for me to just sit all day! Not gonna lie i was getting ready to switch to formula since the day milk first came in but i stuck to it and ive been supplementing which has been working for us!

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From the start I’ll be doing both! Combo feeding worked so well with my son. I’ll probably primarily pump though. Pumping and breastfeeding affected me pretty bad with my first due to DMER so I won’t think twice about stopping and going to straight formula if I need to!

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I'm a lactation consultant and have chosen to formula feed baby #2. Breastfeeding is very difficult! I found it easier to accomplish exclusively pumping with my first because I still had some freedoms. Now with two kids someone always needs something and I was spreading myself too thin trying to EP again. I'd rather be fully present for both of my kids and formula feed than the latter. You have to choose what is best for you! Your baby will thrive with either feeding choice.

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thank you so sharing!!

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I didn’t try breastfeeding, I knew formula would be better for my mental health & allow me to get more help especially as a FTM, baby boy is doing great on it! Do what works best for you and your family ❤️❤️

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so glad to hear you did what was best for your mental health! Healthy momma healthy babe! ❤️

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